Six on Saturday – Good Rains and Garage Sale Rose 10🌸6🌸23

It has been a quite a chilly week this week. Lots of very nice winter rains, wind and a grumbly thunderstorm, has made gardening interesting. But I was still out every day planting something. You’ve heard of the saying ‘Make hay while the sun shines’, instead here it’s ‘Make garden while soil is soft and moist!’ Winter is the start of my planting time, not the end. It’s cool and easy to establish plants in the wet time of the year.

I have been weeding the lower driveway, and planting a row of French and Italian lavenders down there. Plus some white Cistus rock roses. It is rather a hike, at 200 metres, that no hose would reach, so I give it an initial watering-can irrigate and maybe a follow-up drink and then leave them to their own devices. I already have some French lavenders successfully growing down there, so the probability of survival is high! It is the public face of the property, so I like to make as attractive as I can, in the exposed road location.

I’m most delighted with the new rose I bought from our town garage sale a few months ago. She’s had a belated flowering and looks to be a very hardy variety of some sort of groundcover rose. I planted a few of these in odd spots in my garden that needed a little colour, but were more challenging site’s. This one in the gravel footings of a shed and another under a standard rose. As long as it gets water and sun, there’s a rose for every position. But I’m a bit of a rose nut! 🌹
Last of the cute little Golden Delcious apples I’ve been eating daily from our tree. It’s turned out to be a bit of an autumn favourite! Their cute little Golden colour adds to the enjoyment.
This is an old fashioned variety of Calendula with raindrops. The raindrops are a delight unto themselves! I am successfully planting these Calendulas in a border around my back garden beds, for a little bit of winter joy💛…or a lot!
Last of the autumn roses amongst the newly burgeoning daisy display. Fire and Ice, Garage Sale groundcover and Unconventional Lady (great name, sounds a bit like me!)
Still lots of edibles around the garden. Granny Smith apples on the tree, beetroot, capsicums and mini carrots in the veggie pod. With some newly self-sown sown coriander, good for winter curries.
The cold winter weather has brought out the two- tone colouring in this Aquarius rose. They call this a grandiflora rose, a floribunda type, with multiple blooms per stem, but with larger that normal flowers for a floribunda. She makes great cut flowers, with multiple blooms and long stems, and us a very reliable flowerier in my garden, which she has in common with floribundas. Which often have less spectacular blooms than Hybrid Teas, but more of them.

That’s all from me.🌸 See more beautiful Six on Saturday gardens from around the world, on the Six on the Saturday tag, our host is Jim you can find his blog here .
Thanks for visiting. 🌸 Happy Gardening – Sarah 🌸

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Rosie Amber says:

    A lovely six, Sarah. We are forecast heavy thunderstorms.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks so much Rosie! But yours night be warmer, our storm was cold. But everything looked great after it! 😘💞⚘


  2. So many lovelies! I’m a rose nut too!! 😀 It’s challenging in our climate, but I’m now locating all of the hardiest I can. Unfortunately, earlier purchases weren’t always the best choices and in the end the toughest of them has remained, while others are faithfully departed 🙂 So it goes. Great selection!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks so much love, I hope you found some nice roses on your rose excursion! I have a Hansa rose and that is said to grow in very cold climates in Northern Europe. It’s a single rugosa rose and I planted it last year and was most impressed with her beauty. 😘💞⚘🌸 Love your snow in summer too, it is a bit of a favourite of mine, I like to grow it under roses.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hansa is excellent. I added it to the garden two years ago. As for the rose excursion, I went there with a list intending on six items. Four they had, and they sold me on 7 others! So coming home with 11 new roses was beyond the plan! 😀 I should have known better, but what can you do!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

          Oh excellent 👏, I thought you might have it! ⚘ 11 roses well done! It’s good for the nursery economy! 🌸💞

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, especially the locals. That’s who we prefer to do our business with. This is mostly why I came home with 11 roses! They are exceptionally sweet people.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. There’s something very pleasing about a Calendula bejeweled with raindrops. A lovely six.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks very much! I do love raindrops in flowers. ⚘🌸

      Liked by 1 person

  4. peakwalker says:

    Love your roses, but then being a fellow rose lover I would, although I’m struggling to get my head around the cold weather bringing it out in two tones!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks very much, yeah here we often get bigger and more colourful blooms in our autumn rose displays as the season is going from warm to cool, I guess. I have some old roses that are completely different colours depending on the weather temperature. 💞⚘

      Liked by 1 person

  5. fredgardener says:

    The photo of this calendula with droplets is really a success ! Very nice !… I can’t wait to eat my sweet peppers but I already picked a first Padron chilly yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks very much! Chillies are so fast to fruit, just like small single roses compared to double roses. My peppers took ages to go red this year 🥬🌸

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pauline says:

    We could do with some of your rain! Your rose is beautiful, I do like roses too and your Golden Delicious apple looks very tasty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks very much, I’ll send you some rain! 🌧 💞⚘


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