Six on Saturday – Miracle Iris 17🌸6🌸23

It has been a mild winter week this week. I have been busy transplanting little couch grass runners to my new ‘front lawn’. Filling in the gaps in the beds with struck garden cuttings. Also happily the bareroot roses have come into the nurseries. This week I bought an old fashioned lovely single pink Ballerina, a Hybrid Musk rose. Plus a Lamarque, a white Noisette rose for our climbing poles. I like to buy them bare root because they are cheaper that way, plus they establish more readily in winter when they are dormant.

What could be nicer on a gloomy winter’s day thank an iris that blooms out of season. This iris I had to look up what it’s name was as it’s a transplant from an old garden area. His name is Double Shot, he didn’t even flower in spring but benefited from the sprinkler watering I gave the roses in summer. Now his name makes sense, this iris is well known to have the ability to rebloom again in autumn, and that is what he is doing now. Double Shot is taking a double shot at flowering! Quite delighted!
Heaven on Earth rose still producing little flowers.
Still lots of flowers about Senecio cineraria, Cineraria saxifraga, Salvia Marine blue and felicias. I plant my perennials, and soft sub-shrubs close together to prevent weeds. 🌼
This is another plant that is famous for producing winter flowers, the Australian bred Lorraine Lee has just started to get winter blooms. The breeder Alistair Clarke wanted to produce attractive roses that were capable of producing roses in winter, and with Lorraine Lee he succeeded.
An attractive tracery of branches of the dormant Chinese Elm against a blue sky. Dusty Miller Centurea Plants are below it.
Mind Games rose, while not famous for flowering in winter was just slow to produce her autumn blooms. A welcome sight now.

That’s all from me.🌸 See more beautiful Six on Saturday gardens from around the world, on the Six on the Saturday tag, our host is Jim you can find his blog here .
Thanks for visiting. 🌸 Happy Gardening – Sarah 🌸

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Rosie Amber says:

    I love that you always have room for more roses in your garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      I know, it’s a bit of an obsession! 😘💞⚘


  2. Gosh, there’s still lots of colour in your garden and a lovely selection of roses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Thanks so much, yeah one of my aims is to have lots of things in flower all year. 😘🌸🌼

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah to bare root roses! 99% of all our roses started off that way – and for me it’s just the most practical approach. Lovely selections – the Iris is sumptuous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      I know, anything else is way too extravagant! 😘💞⚘Thanks so much he’s, a real treat!


  4. Pauline says:

    Your iris and roses are gorgeous! amazing to have them flowering at this time of year for you. I like to buy bare root plants as well, much better that way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah Rajkotwala - Author & Spiritual Teacher says:

      Yes it really is, plus you get a better selection of varieties. 😘💞⚘Thanks very much love.


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